Newport News Payday Loans
When the paycheck doesn't quite stretch from one payday to the next, you may find yourself what you are going to do. Residents of Newport News, Virginia, can take advantage of payday loans to help them make their money stretch further. You may think that there's no way these loans can help you, but short-term loans actually feature many benefits you may not have thought of. When the rent is late, the fees can be extremely high. Depending on your landlord, the fees could be $100 or more for being just one day late. Many communities also tack on daily fees, driving up the total fee with every day that drifts by. The laws of fairness prevent communities from waiving late fees for one person and not another. You can, however, avoid late fees by taking advantage of payday loans in Newport News, VA. Our interest rates and fees are clearly marked. When you take into account the high cost of late fees, it becomes clear that our services can help you save money.
You can also use our loans to avoid late fees on your mortgage and other debt payments. If your car stops running, you could find yourself unable to get to work. Your employer expects that you will be at work on time, and being late because your car is out of commission won't be accepted. Stop to ask yourself what you will do if you lose your job. That car repair could wind up costing you a lot more than a payment of a few hundred dollars to the mechanic. Take out a short-term loan to get the repairs done in a timely manner. You won't have to miss work, meaning you won't find yourself facing even bigger problems. Outstanding collections will drag down your credit report. You can correct this by contacting the creditor and arranging a settlement. Discounts can be as much as 75 percent, allowing you to save some money and work on cleaning up your credit. The challenge is coming up with the lump sum needed to barter a deal. With Newport News payday loans, however, you can get the funds you need to clear old debts off your credit. If you have an idea for a small business, and just need a small amount of seed money, these loans can be the answer.
Typically a credit check is not required, so you can easily get the money you need for your home-based business. Use the funds for early advertising or necessary equipment. Fantastic deals present themselves from time to time. Stumbling across these deals is a dream come true, provided you have the funds needed to take advantage of them. With easy and convenient payday loans in Newport News, you can get the cash you need to snag that great deal. Whether you've found a great deal on electronics, jewelry or gorgeous antiques, you can use a loan to have the money available when you need it. Our lenders respect your privacy. Your information is not sold or traded for profit. The loans are convenient, easy and extremely fast. The funds are usually available within a matter of hours. The terms are clearly stated in the contract, and all fees are clearly listed on the website and in the store. Don't pay any more late fees or miss out on great deals. With easy payday loans in Newport News, VA, you can get the funds you need to start up a home-based business or settle debts for lower amounts.
Customer Statistics
Average requested loan amt
$498Total Newport News population
180,719Average annual income
$23,312 yrAverage customer age
33 years of age- SunTrust Bank
- Wells Fargo
- Bank of America
- U.S. Army Transportation Center
- Northrop Grumman Newport News
- Newport News School System
Percentage of users that own their home vs. those who rent.
Percentage of users that deposited their loan into a checking account vs. savings.
Percentage of users with employment income vs. those on benefits.
Newport News Cash Advance Store Locations
Sometimes you just need a little help when finances seem out of control. A Newport News payday loan can help you solve your financial problems. If you prefer a personal experience, consider visiting a location near you. For a faster and more convenient option, apply for a loan right here on this page. Either way, we are confident you will find the relief you need.
15525 Warwick Blvd
Newport News, VA 23608
14346 Warwick Blvd
Newport News, VA 23602
9825 Jefferson Ave
Newport News, VA 23605
658 J Clyde Morris Blvd B
Newport News, VA 23601
3311 Jefferson Ave
Newport News, VA 23607
Credit Unions
If you are sick and tired of dealing with a colossal banking chain that doesn't have your best interests in mind, consider switching to a local Newport News credit union. We have selected some of our favorite locations and listed them below for your convenience. Don't spend any more time being frustrated with your current bank situation. Call or visit a credit union to take control of your finances once and for all.
3711 Huntington Avenue
Newport News, VA 23607
(757) 928-8850
11820 Fountain Way
Newport News, VA 23606
(757) 928-8850
11107 Warwick Boulevard
Newport News, VA 23601
(888) 869-5863
12828 Jefferson Avenue
Newport News, VA 23608
(888) 842-6328
6060 Jefferson Ave
Newport News, VA 23605
(757) 380-0359
Economic Assistance
The economy can be unpredictable and ominous at times. If you find yourself struggling to stay afloat, why not seek help from the experts? To aid you, we have provided a list of our favorite career counseling and job placement services in your area. You no longer have to worry about your situation as help is just a phone call or visit away.
813 Diligence Drive, Ste 121
Newport News, VA 23606
(757) 873-8739
629 79th Street
Newport News, VA 23605
(757) 245-0351
452 Denbigh Boulevard
Newport News, VA 23608
(757) 890-4809
739 Thimble Shoals Boulevard
Newport News, VA 23606
(757) 890-1158
3800 Huntington Avenue
Newport News, VA 23607
(757) 247-0100