Choose a Minnesota Payday Loan Today
When you find yourself strapped for extra cash, you may consider borrowing from your family or asking your boss for a little advance from your next paycheck. Neither one may be a good idea, and it is not even a guarantee that either party will agree to lending you the money. A Minnesota payday loan may be the best option for your situation. These loans offer money to customers who may not have other options for loans, such as their bank, because of past credit issues or the need for fast cash.
Customer Statistics
Saint Paul
- Wells Fargo
- TCF Bank
- US Bank
- Wells Fargo
- Walmart
- Healthpartners
Percentage of users that own their home vs. those who rent.
Percentage of users that deposited their loan into a checking account vs. savings.
Percentage of users with employment income vs. those on benefits.

A payday advance can be used for any number of reasons. You may have been surprised with a larger than normal heating bill, and you didn't budget properly for it. Maybe your vehicle broke down and you need it repaired ASAP, or you have to put new winter tires on it to get to work. Some people find that they are simply short on funds and payday is too far away, and they need everyday living expenses, such as for food and gas. A cash advance can very well be the answer to your problem. The basis of Minnesota pay day loans is simple. You are basically borrowing your own money, as the company that provides you with the loan will look at how much income you make, and give you a loan based on the amount. This money will then be due back when you get paid again, usually within 2 weeks or so. The money will be automatically withdrawn from your checking account, and you will be on your way, free and clear of debt. When you use payday loans Minnesota companies, you are not locked into a long term loan, only a short term one that only lasts for a couple of weeks.
You can borrow an amount depending on a few factors, but usually the amounts range from $100 through $1,500 at a time. This loan will be direct deposited into your account, zero paperwork necessary and no faxing needed. Just the loan that you need, when you need it!
Cash Advance Locations
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